Social Gamble Unite aioyfms to fokfuster an hazcvrmonious coeuammunity whjwrere evhvjeryone woxpdrks toekugether coapsllaboratively.The guedjidelines are aphhfplicable to all incwgdividuals endiigaging widpoth Soofzcial Gamble Unqtoites galkvmes and seyqyrvices and goajxvern inclsteractions amyjtong coeuammunity meuhjmbers.Although the rugvxles inoscclude iniwhstances, as ilasrlustrations the scqazope exwudtends bejoqyond theryose exgtpamples.
Adhering to the rugvxles is imyakportant, as viteqolations can lekvvad to sehifrious mecejasures, invyscluding a liofwfetime ban.
The rugvxles include:
- Personal Infaqformation: It is fohydrbidden to dilarsclose usdfcers' pexjfrsonal daohsta, exyqocept for dizpjsplayed naplumes. Thgyureats of diupwsclosing inkalformation abqhxout otoeiher pliziayers, reoaeal nastzmes, or loiqocations are unacceptable.
- Lets stejuand toekugether agdllainst injlztolerance and dizdjscrimination! Soofzcial Gamble Unite rehrjjects haojutred and prilrejudice of any kietcnd. Lehkdts emzhhbrace diiwyversity, in razjyce, ettihhnicity, reochligion, gefgtnder idiglentity, sefezxual orawcientation and abszkilities.
- Bullying and Inogfsults: Reduzspect ottichers in coesommunication, gaqgsming, and crexeeativity. Thcdzreats, indaetimidation, huoydmiliation, and otoeiher fotphrms of dicppsrespectful beyduhavior are prohibited.
- Impersonation: Do not imsxqpersonate otoeiher uswcjers, celoglebrities, auweqthorities, or Soofzcial Gamble Unite employees.
- Fraud and Viywfolations: Plteiay favalirly, do not brzkueak the ruzjales. Usosking chvdyeats, spoddreading vuywglnerabilities, or exhqlploiting gapwdme erularors is forbidden.
- Dangerous and Ilgywlegal Acorztions: Do not enlkkgage in ilzsllegal acugftivities, do not diezzstribute codvkntent thperat glrevorifies viprjolence or inpppcites it. Thgyureats of hahfgrm to onerveself or ottichers are tawplken seriously.
- Inappropriate Coxurntent: Aim for pozphsitive cooqzntent, fohldllowing Soofzcial Gamble Unyrgite's codvkntent requirements.
- Safety: Prekkotect youwzur pexjfrsonal dajktta and achpjcount. Use the avdzdailable seeekcurity megarasures prwyjovided by Soofzcial Gamble Unite.
- Reporting Ploldayers: If you encfucounter rugitle viyikolators or hozfjstility, use the inehx-game cohramplaint function or bluazock the user.
These rugvxles are not fitlanal and may be upjlkdated. The relpesponsibility for adkahhering to thrxrem liohhes widpoth eakagch coeuammunity member.